Take Back Your Life with

Willard Barth

Executive Business Coaching

Having started his first business at 19, Willard has made Millions… and lost them. He’s started businesses from the ground up and has learned through those experiences what does and doesn’t work in order for a business to succeed. In 1997 he began working as a business consultant focusing on improving sales and sales processes, leadership, team building and effective communication. Over the past 30 years he has grown his reputation to being one of the leading consultants called on by global consulting firms to work with advising their clients.

If you’re interested in results like these…

  • 93% increase in revenue in 12 months

  • 307% increase in revenue in 36 months

  • Growth from 15 employees and $32 Million in annual revenue to 63 Employees and $124 Million in annual revenue in 18 months

Executive Business Coaching

Having started his first business at 19, Willard has made Millions… and lost them. He’s started businesses from the ground up and has learned through those experiences what does and doesn’t work in order for a business to succeed. In 1997 he began working as a business consultant focusing on improving sales and sales processes, leadership, team building and effective communication. Over the past 30 years he has grown his reputation to being one of the leading consultants called on by global consulting firms to work with advising their clients.

If you’re interested in results like these…

  • 93% increase in revenue in 12 months

  • 307% increase in revenue in 36 months

  • Growth from 15 employees and $32 Million in annual revenue to 63 Employees and $124 Million in annual revenue in 18 months


This initial assessment can be done face to face, over the phone or via Skype. It is approximately a 60 minute session where we take a high level view of where you are now, where you want to go and what needs to happen for you to get there. We discuss 8 areas of your business and always find ways in this call for you to increase revenues, decrease expenses and combinations of both that make a significant impact to your bottom line. This is a complimentary session designed to introduce you to the value you can receive from working with Willard and his team. There is no cost and no obligation for this session.


The DISCoverY Day process is a more extensive look at the overall makeup of your business. The business owner and 6-10 of their key advisors confidentially input data that gives our team feedback on 55 areas of your business. This data is then compiled to give a true picture of what is happening in every area of your company. Then Willard and his team meet with your team and debrief those findings. This isn’t some consultant coming in and telling you what they “think” you should do. This is the data that you have supplied and we help you understand how it is affecting your business.

Through this process we help you identify the areas that are your greatest potential for hurting your business and help you create a plan to resolve those issues. This process takes 1 to 2 days depending on the size of the company and the number of advisors supplying input. We are so confident in the results of this program that we give a 5 to 1 guarantee. If by the end of the process we have not shown you how you can increase your revenue, decrease your expenses or through a combination of both a total of 5 times the investment for the DISCoverY Day, your DISCoverY Day is FREE!


The strategic planning session is something EVERY business should invest in. Willard and his team will spend 1 to 2 days with you and your key employees/advisors helping you create or reevaluate the foundation of your business. We work with you to create the following…

1. Business Identity – What is the true value that you are bringing to your clients? What sets you apart from the competition and why should someone do business with you?

2. Mission – What is the “why” behind your business? What impact was it created to make?

3. Vision – What specifically will your business become? In 3 years? 5 years? 10 and beyond? What is your exit strategy?

4. Values – What are your company’s values? How does this play into your hiring processes? How does it play into your marketing and branding?

5. Purpose – What is your business here to do? What is the true purpose of why you created this business and how will it impact you and your employees?

6. Ideal Client – Who specifically is the best fit for your product or service? How knowing this very specific Avatar can impact everything you do.

7. 3 year Plan – Where specifically are you committed to seeing your revenues at in 3 years? We work with you to create a specific plan of how to achieve that goal and lay out the milestones for each year.

8. Marketing Plan – Based on your 3 year plan and the awareness of your Ideal client we help you create a marketing plan that allows you to focus your energy and your revenue in the right areas at the right times.

9. 1 Year Plan – Having all of the above information in place we are able to help you create a very specific plan of action for the next 12 months which will set the foundation for your 3 year plan

10. Quarterly Milestones – We break it that plan down even further so you have very specific outcomes, key performance indicators and specific tasks to achieve every 90 days

11. Project Plan – We then work with you to help you understand how to create project plans that break things down to monthly actions, weekly outcomes and daily actions.

It has often been said that people do not plan to fail, they fail to plan. No matter whether you are a start up or have been in business for years. A strategic planning session can help put you on the fast track to where you want your business to go.


Quarterly Milestones Planning is also available as an a la carte service for those businesses who are very comfortable with their existing strategic plan. We work with you to create very specific outcomes, key performance indicators and specific tasks to achieve every 90 days that allow you to hold yourself and your team accountable. The Quarterly Milestones Planning sessions are a great tool for utilizing outside advisors to help keep you and your team on track with your company goals.


Something that every business needs for scalabilty and sustainability is a business process map. Every aspect of your business needs to be mapped out to ensure efficient and effective use of your team and your company assets. Our team will work with you to create a complete business process map that will clearly define what your business entity does, who is responsible, to what standard each business process should be completed, and how the success of those business processes can be measured.

The main purpose behind having a business process map is to assist your organization in becoming more efficient. A clear and detailed business process map or diagram allows you to easily look at whether or not improvements can be made to the current process. We work with you to create a specific objective with your processes and sub-processes that will help you to measure and compare individual objectives alongside the entire organization’s objectives to make sure that all processes are aligned with the company’s values and capabilities.


To grow a business and operate more efficiently than the competition, you need a well-defined sales process. Each new employee should understand where leads come from, how they’re followed up with, and what steps need to take place to close a deal. Getting alignment on these basic principles will help you train reps faster, improve data quality, and provide a more consistent customer experience. We work with you to create a sales process map will walk you through the three stages:

1. Generating Leads

2. Qualifying Leads

3. Managing the Sales Cycle

Documenting your sales process is an important building block for a successful sales organization and sales training program. It allows you to track each stage of the process so everyone has a firm understanding of how you run your business and what metrics you will hold them accountable to. By having a clear vision of what needs to be tracked and why that data is important to the sales process helps employees understand how their role impacts others and they start to think about what levers they can pull to drive more revenue.


One-to-One Business Coaching is a relationship. It’s a place where you go for guidance, support, and to be challenged so you can figure out what’s in the way of creating the business you want.

Coaching is not consulting, and it’s also not therapy – it’s right between the two. A good coach is someone you can trust that has the acumen to be able to diagnose specific and systemic issues in your business, but who has the strength to wait for you to deliver on the solution instead of jumping in and doing it for you.

Your coach’s job is to help you get clear on what needs to happen next, but they will wait for you to take action. And of course, they hold your feet to the fire on your goals. A great coach knows that you already have the fundamental ingredients to transform your business – their job is to help you recognize and utilize them.

The Goal Is Obsolescence – A business coach with integrity wants to make themselves obsolete. Their passion is to show you how to do for yourself what you need their help for today. Like any good helping relationship, it’s a bit of a paradox. Your coach makes money by you staying on as a client, and at the same time their success is determined by whether you need them less over time. A coach with integrity is up front about this, because they’re confident enough in their own abilities to know that after they help you with “Level 1” (what you need to change) you’ll want to continue on to “Level 2” (what you want to change).


Group training is essential for your sales team, your administrative team, your manufacturing team… any department in your organization for you to be able to maximize both efficiency and and effectiveness within that group. Group training allows you to make sure that the standards that you want your people holding themselves to are clearly defined and that each member of the team has the opportunity for interactive demonstrations that will help them be able to best operate as a member of that team and as a part of the company overall.

Our team works with you to create customized training modules where we will share specific skills, strategies and systems with them that are focused on core competencies and productivity. They will be given step by step instructions, participate in activities during the training that will give them the experience of using the skill, strategy or system being taught and then given homework to help them further ingrain that knowledge and make it a part of the company culture.

Let’s be realistic. Each department within your organization can get caught up focusing on the specific challenges that they may be having. Group training ensures that your company is keeping all employees and all departments focused on the common objective of your organization.


Group coaching is different from group training in the fact it is based on the context similar to one-to-one coaching. Group coaching is a place where your team will go for guidance, support, and to be challenged. Together they will share their challenges, frustrations and opportunities so as a team you can figure out what’s in the way of creating the business you want.

Our team works with you to identify the areas needing improvement and lay out your objectives. We then use our experience of looking for the underlying themes and organizing principles and this allows us to act as a conduit to help the people on the team find the solutions that will best help achieve those objectives. Similar to one-to-one coaching, group coaching is designed to help your team get clear on what needs to happen next, but the coach will wait for your team to take the actions. They help the group cut through the obstacles and gain clarity one the specific outcomes they agree on and then hold them accountable to those goals.

#1 Best Selling Author Willard Barth

Here is your opportunity to purchase Willard’s #1 Best Selling Book called The Anatomy of Transformation for ONLY the cost of Shipping and Handling! That’s right… Willard will pay for the book… you just pay for S&H!

The Anatomy of Transformation is a proven system that has been used over a quarter of a century helping take individuals and businesses to the next level… no matter how successful they already are!

The journey begins now!